Category: Uncategorized

  • Waves seep over sand,
    The Sun crests,
    We’re hand in hand.

    Daybreak’s unfolding,
    To a shared beholding,
    Our minds are molding…
    I can feel us growing–together.

    We converge concurrently,
    You mirror me back to me,
    I now see, that our energy,
    Is feeding off each other…

    What was once was I, only–
    Then, so proud to be lonely–
    Is now us in sync, I rethink,
    My innate pull to isolation…

    With consideration, I recognize,
    That the rise reflected in your eyes,
    Tightens my transcendental ties,
    To the source and all that may comprise.

    As you pulse through my soul,
    I see I’m part of the whole,
    And each second has played a role,
    To amount to this singular moment…

    The two of us aligned in divine time,
    I sense my inner peace as a sign,
    That your company completes mine,
    I feel I belong, here is meant for me….

    I’ve found this new memory
    With you–pure serenity–
    And it beats every,
    Single sunrise alone.

  • By learning you, I’m deceiving me,
    As common ground sprouts unfound knowing…
    But how can I find you relatable?
    When I can only see what’s showing?

    The limits of your introspection
    Prevent you from learning your own brain,
    While your narrow means of expression
    Dictates the parts you share and explain

    Even if you could truly show me
    The caverns of your inner being
    I’d find a way to misinterpret–
    For my lifetime frames how I’m seeing

    You see, bias and beliefs I bring
    To the intersection of me and you…
    Obscuring your truth and totality
    Accumulating in a narrow view

    Still then, there’s your constant evolution
    Sculpted by pressures of the hands of time,
    It prevents my precise interpretation
    You’re impossible to pinpoint and define

    Preconceptions, privacy, and change
    Prevent me from learning you as true
    Since I cannot really know someone,
    I’m deceiving me, by learning you.

  • The boredom of the mundane
    evaporated as you rose,
    and ascended into my center.

    Now boundless and bursting,
    I find myself vibrant–
    raging alive,
    blazing aglow,
    from the zest you cast upon me.

    My life-force zapped by your connection,
    I’m electrified…
    each cell stands erect,
    and dimensions flood my flatness.

    You breathe vigor into my body,
    as my smokey lunges revive
    from the crispness infused in your exhale.

    At ease, I’m expanding in bloom,
    overflowing with child-like awe,
    until I’m ripping at the seams,
    passion and purpose pouring out.

    With engagement and absorption,
    I’m now enthused by the present moment,
    yet eager for what’s approaching–
    making more out of this life,
    All because of you.

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