About Ineffable Expressions

The Poetry

My poetry project–Ineffable Expressions– toys with the duality of language, highlighting my poetic efforts to convey truth, despite the intrinsic impossibility to do so. My nonfiction poetry deconvolutes my inner and outer worlds–from navigating the human experience with mental illnesses, to exploring natural and spiritual themes.

Started with the intention of processing trauma, my poetry has shaped into an introspective, yet relatable, voice of my wisdom. And yet, it amounts to more questions than answers. So tell me did my words get you thinking about something? Anything? I’d love to chat about it.

The Person

I am a self-taught writer whose interest in poetry started as a therapeutic coping mechanism in the Psych Ward and has since blossomed into my absolute passion. Outside of working as a molecular biologist researching cancer, writing has remained an impassioned form of self-expression. 

When not in lab or outdoors, I find myself dedicating many hours practicing my craft, with the hopes of understanding myself, others, and the world around me. I hope you enjoy reading my words and thank you for giving me a chance to amplify my voice– as sharing gives purpose and positivity to the suffering I have experienced and witnessed.

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